Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30

Today Jennifer may have won the game how many times can you go into Target in a single day, if there were such a game. Jennifer had a 5% off thing that expired today so she wanted to use it. The first trip the Target only coupons had been forgotten. The second and third times involved toothbrush replacements heads. I just think that Jennifer wanted to see how many times she could go to Target.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29

The canvas is finally done. It's not as pretty as Jannette had hoped but for a first attempt it turned out pretty well. After putting up the canvas Jannette noticed that there were themes to her walls.

Traveling- NYC, California, Paris


Temples- Los Angeles, Salt Lake, Orlando

Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28

Today Jennifer and Jannette headed out to Kernersville to celebrate Emmett's first birthday. It was a fun day of celebration, food and fun!! Happy Birthday Emmett and congrats to Meg and Cam for surviving the first year! :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27

To continue the Martha Stewart trend this week, this is Emmett's shirt that Jennifer and Jannette made for his 1st birthday!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26

Today while Jannette was watching 24 she had to pause it for a quick minute to do something. When she came back to the tv she noticed that the time in the show was the same time in real life. Weird! At the beginning of each episode it does say that events occur in real time.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25

As it usually goes Jennifer and Jannette had some late night errands that they had to run. However, after coming home and when they were walking out to take out the trash this is what they saw. Drivers of North Carolina- LEARN HOW TO PARK!!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24

One year ago, a very special person decided to make his appearance. To celebrate such an occasion Jennifer thought she would be funny. What is Emmett going to do now that he's turned 1? He's going to Disney World!!!! Happy Birthday Emmett!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23

MTV online has a battle of the boybands competition going on, NCAA basketball bracket style. This sparked Jannette to start pulling up old *NSYNC videos on Youtube. It's scary that years after both Jennifer and Jannette have even really listened to the songs consistently, they know all the words and dance moves.

You're tearin' up my heart...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22

Tonight for dinner Jennifer and Jannette made something yummy! This tasty meal was part of the diet they're doing in combo with WW: Spicy Sausage Pasta with sauteed garlic zucchini and squash. The WHOLE apartment smelled like an Italian mother's kitchen at dinnertime - it was pretty amazing. This will definitely be made again!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21

Today was Megan's birthday so Jannette and Jennifer drove out to the Burlington area to spend part of the day with her (E and Cam). The day consisted of shopping, Red Robin and Red Mango - dubbed a "red day". While at Red Robin, Jennifer decided to have Emmett try a lemon. His face was absolutely priceless.  Happy Birthday Megan!! Hope you had a fun day!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20

At midnight, Jannette and Jennifer went and saw the first showing of The Lucky One. Any chance to see Zac Efron... we'll take it!! Then later in the day DisneyNature's Chimpanzee was on the to-do list. Not a back-to-back movie day but it was a good double feature day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19

The geese are moving in on us!! They usually stay within the gates of the pond, usually. However, today they were being very noisy (read: more than usual) so Jennifer and Jannette went out on the porch to see what was going on. The geese were no longer by the pond. One was standing on the gazebo and the other was walking down the sidewalk.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18

Jannette decided that today would be a good day to get her craft on. Jannette is trying to do a DIY canvas print that Jennifer found instructions to on pinterest which will be hung above Jannette's bed in her room. It may take awhile though because it has been very damp outside lately but hopefully it will work.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17

Today's breakfast: parfaits. Jennifer conquered a big feat today and finally got Jannette to agree to eat Greek yogurt. The breakfast did turn out to be quite tasty!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

While Jennifer has been working overnight, Jannette has been filling her time with watching the show 24. It all started with this recent trip to Texas... Adison and Sam were finishing up the series and Jannette and Jennifer jumped in in the middle of season 7. Jannette got hooked and had to watch it from the beginning, getting a free trial of Netflix instant streaming and everything.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15

Today in Jannette's ward there was a Visiting Teaching luncheon. Jannette was asked to make brownies and if the smell of them last night when making them wasn't enough then having to bring some back home was just evil. There's only 4 out of the 24 remaining. We'll see how long they last.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14

Project make-your-own-canvas has continued. Today the print was laid out on top of the canvas board to straighten out. It's going to look great over Jannette's bed.

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13

While doing all of our grocery shopping today both Jennifer and Jannette eyed some watermelon already cut up in the produce section. After checking it out and determining whether or not it might be too early in the season, it was picked up. Good thing it was because it turned out to be very tasty!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12

This is what truly started out April 12th - working out. Jennifer was resting after her abs sequence but still managed to catch Jannette doing some ridiculous move in the living room. There are no words sometimes.

Tonight Jannette and Jennifer went out to officially celebrate Jennifer's birthday since traveling yesterday made it a complete bust. As the tradition goes, Jannette typically chooses Melting Pot for her birthday meal and Jennifer chooses P.F. Changs.

Yummy starter (well the stack of empty pods at the end of the yummy starter) - steamed edamame

Jannette's meal: shrimp and broccoli in lobster sauce with brown rice

Jennifer's meal (her usual): wok seared lamb with brown rice

Jennifer fortune:
(.... in bed??)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11

First of all, Happy Birthday Jennifer!!!
Unfortunately for her, we spent the day traveling back from Texas and therefore didn't do too much celebrating. But it seems like Jannette and Jennifer both had a little bit of fun throughout the day.
After landing back in North Carolina, it was a bit later than what was originally thought so pizza and bacon wrapped jalapenos were in order with angel food cake and strawberries for birthday dessert.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10

This lovely, decapitated, shot of Sam was taken while shoe shopping in the Woodlands today. Jennifer and Jannette decided that they needed proof that Sam would and could wear heels. She's 6' tall anyway - heels just make her look even leggier!

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9

Today was a fun day in Texas - both Navasota and College Station! All the wedding stuff is over and done with so more yummy food and relaxation was definitely in order.

Jannette and Jennifer were entertained by road signage in Texas - they have roads called "spurs" - which is sort of like a branch of a certain road. Oh Texans.

 Randi, Sam, Jannette, and Jennifer were joined by Randi's husband Chris for the day of fun. He suggested trying this place out... YUMMO!

You can go 70+ in most of Texas. On "farm roads" nonetheless. The top speed in most of NC is 65!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8

Happy Easter Sunday.... and Happy Hunger Games!! Jennifer FINALLY finished a book! The Hunger Games specifically. Which is good because she refused to see the movie until after she read it - and Sam and Randi want to go see it again this week before the girls head back to NC.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7

The big day!!! It was truly perfect - lovely bride and handsome groom, wonderful weather, great company and yummy food!

The entire McClellan clan: Adison, Sam, Randy (dad), Barbara (mom), Charlie, Steven, Doreen, Grandpa, Randi, Chris, Shannon, Rob & Jen

Jannette and Sam

"The Beatles" at the reception that evening 

The front porch at the house where the reception was held

The decorated car - streamers, balloons, condoms & paint - SUCCESS!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6

Tonight, Jannette and Jennifer were invited to the family only rehearsal dinner for Charlie and Steven before the big wedding tomorrow. They felt pretty special to be invited. Tasty food - caesar salad, (amazing) chicken parm, veggies, & bread - and great company made for a great evening!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5

Breakfast!! Yes, we had Red Mango for "breakfast" in Dallas during our layover on our way to Houston. Since Jennifer had yet to be asleep and Jannette had only slept a few hours since the previous day it was really more like eating dessert at breakfast time. Thanks Dallas!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4

Jennifer and Jannette will be heading to the airport at 4a.m. tomorrow and Jennifer had to work tonight. This required some smooth logistics on their part to get everything to Chapel Hill for Jennifer to make it to work on time without forgetting anything. Here's what the back of the HHR looked like while Jennifer was inside taking care of the small children. Jannette decided that after smushing her way onto the flat surface in the back next to suitcases (you can see her pillow in the bottom center), that it isn't really ideal to sleep in the HHR after all.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3

Yesterday before work, Jennifer woke up a few hours early to do some pre-Texas errand running. Among the things needing to be done was get nails prettified. Here are Jennifer's - over 15 hours after getting done. Yay for gelish!